Flat River Group March 7 Releases

Flat River Group March 7 Releases

RONE: Invasion

RONE: Invasion is a strategic post-apocalyptic deck-building and dice-crafting game (expandable to 1 to 4) and features unique dice that can be customized during the game. Players are immersed in a world where all achievements of the human race have been annihilated. Those that have survived are fighting for the right to rule what is left of a desolate wasteland. Years of bloody war have scattered and divided survivors into fierce warring factions. Many have died because of scarce resources. The fear of total annihilation of the human race has put hatred aside. 

RONE: Invasion
Publisher: Bonjour Games
Item Code: BON100
MSRP: $69.95
Releases March 7, 2025

RONE: Invasion componentsPlay cards in an attempt to recruit new soldiers, battle machines, powerful hybrids, or tremendous mutants to your side. Equip your troops with the best available technologies, and show your enemies that you’d rather die than surrender. The game features two different game modes: cooperative and competitive. Explore a unique universe in the first game in the world where you can screw the dice before they screw you!

Code Description MSRP
BON100 RONE: Invasion $69.95
BON101 RONE: Invasion – Additional Player Set $19.95
BON109 RONE: Invasion – Dice Set $14.95
BON110 RONE: Invasion – Dice Tray $5.95
BON111 RONE: Invasion – Set of 3 Plastic Trays $5.95

Monumental Duel

Build your city in a fast and intense game. Through the ages, from antiquity to modern times, create the most brilliant of civilizations. The three Monumental Duel titles are playable independently or combined to discover all the richness of the game! It’s a deck-building game in which each civilization can be played with any other box, where the gameplay of each box can be combined with the other two, offering a very high replay value!

Monumental Duel: Espionage
Publisher: FunForge
MSRP: $24.99
Releases March 7, 2025

Aksum, Greece, Aztec — Act in the shadows, forming and deploying your spies to sow chaos in your opponent’s city. Witness their downfall as you acquire wealth and resources!

Monumental Duel: Exploration
Publisher: FunForge
MSRP: $24.99
Releases March 7, 2025

China, Denmark, Egypt — Send your ambassador on a mission against your opponent’s, discover new lands, bring back resources, and bring your civilization closer to victory! 

Monumental Duel: Trade
Publisher: FunForge
MSRP: $24.99
Releases March 7, 2025

Mali, Mughal, Japan — Outdo your opponent to increase your influence with free cities. Win their favors, become their sole trading partner, and tip the balance of victory in your favor!


Face off head to head for a delicious duel! Tapas offers you a competition between Croquetas lovers and Jalapenos lovers. As a player, your goal is to place your tapas on the board while pushing your opponent’s tapas.

Publisher: FunForge
Item Code: FNFTAPUS01
MSRP: $24.99
Releases March 7, 2025

Tapas sample setupBring out the opposing tapas to recover points. Be careful, however, not to take too many of your tapas off the board, as you risk giving points to your opponent. The goal is to devour the opponent’s tapas without leaving yours. Of course, to take it better later, you will sometimes sacrifice your own tapas in this competitive game for two. It’s up to you, and enjoy your meal!

Cantankerous Cats

You are a cat. You live in a house. You share this house with your pet Hoomin. You goal is to lavish this Hoomin with Affection while causing Mischief elsewhere in the house. The first cat to score 9 Mischief points wins the game!

Cantankerous Cats: 3rd Edition
Publisher: Mentha Designs
Item Code: MDL01000
MSRP: $24.99
Releases March 7, 2025

Cantankerous Cats is a lightweight, competitive card game centered around the feline propensity for mischief, cunning, and Schadenfreude. Players follow a basic Draw 3, Play 2 format with the ability to attack and interrupt other players. While a game with new players tends to be very polite and rigid; seasoned players will find a faster, brutal game that rewards clever use of hand management, probability, and cunning.

Cantankerous Cats 3E introduces a host of updates in a newly remastered version of this tabletop hit:

  • Simplified, streamlined rules for a faster, more furrocious game for the whole family.
  • New full-color rule book: “A Cat’s Guide to Manufacturing Mischief.”
  • Includes the “Kitten Catastrophe” expansion with 12 new kitten-themed cards.
  • Upgraded components and remastered art. Our clowder of Cantankerous Cats has never looked better.

Triangle Agency

Clock In. Save the World. Triangle Agency is a paranormal investigation and corporate horror TTRPG in a present-day setting! Wield enormous, reality-warping power, navigate bureaucratic red tape, and juggle your everyday responsibilities all at once. This 300-page, U.S. letter-size hardcover book contains everything you need to create unique Field Agents, prepare Anomalous investigations as a General Manager, and pursue the Agency’s mission to stabilize reality.

Triangle Agency: Normal Briefcase Collection
Publisher: Modiphius Entertainment
Item Code: MUH171V000
MSRP: $90
Releases March 7, 2025

The Triangle Agency: Normal Briefcase Collection is the ultimate Triangle Agency experience. While the Core Rulebook on its own contains everything required to play Triangle Agency, the extras included in this Collection—from The Vault mission collection and Triangle Agenda character organizer to the special dice—will all support you and your team every step of the way. All of this is packaged in a stylish box, designed to replicate the iconic Normal Briefcase assigned to Agents at the start of every mission.

Code Description MSRP
MUH171V000 Triangle Agency: Normal Briefcase Collection $90.00
MUH171V003 Triangle Agency: The Tabletop Role-Playing Game $60.00
MUH171V002 Triangle Agency: The Vault: Missions for Triangle Agency $30.00
MUH171V004 Triangle Agency: Dice Set (6d4) $10.00

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