The Same Game
The Same Game
Publisher: Pegasus Spiele
Item Code: PEG59059E
MSRP: $29.99
Releases November 2023
Is a microwave more important to humanity than nappies? How differently does a rocking horse move compared to a windscreen wiper? And don’t a pizza cutter and a unicycle look similar in some way? Discuss, as a team, which categories different objects share things in common. But beware: There is a trap hidden behind one of the categories! Give the right clues, avoid the trap, and win The Same Game together!

Triqueta is a set-collection game. Over four rounds, players draft animal tokens, trying to form a set of three for each animal type. Three tokens of the same type form a “triqueta.”
Publisher: Pegasus Spiele
Item Code: PEG57810E
MSRP: $29.95
Releases November 2023
In each round, you and the other players draw animal tokens and place them in multiple rows. Find the perfect moment to grab your favorite row, or you might be stuck with one you do not want. At the end of the game, you score especially well for your triquetas. For more than three tokens of the same type, however, you will lose points instead…
Snack Happens
Finally, the humans are gone and the animals are free. Time to raid the fridge! One by one, the family animals bring delicious snacks like melon, cake, and peppers to their hiding place. Who can fill their stash the fastest?
Snack Happens
Publisher: Pegasus Spiele
Item Code: PEG66030G
MSRP: $29.99
Releases November 2023
In Snack Happens, players take on the roles of a cat, mouse, dog, and parrot, whose goal is to fill their secret stash as full as possible with treats. To do this, the active player throws wooden chips as accurately as they can into the bottom box lid, which represents the refrigerator. Afterward, depending on where the chips landed, the active player may choose to perform a matching action. All the other players in turn may then also choose and perform one of the actions marked by the thrown chips. Each new round, the next player around the table takes a turn tossing the snack chips into the fridge. The special actions Snack Box and Mixer provide additional excitement in this exciting children’s game.
Dori Dino
The dinos are waiting for their colorful dino eggs to hatch. Cozy and warm, the eggs lie safely in their nests. But Dori Dino loves to roll the glittering dino eggs around to create a colorful mix. Can the other players quickly roll the eggs back into their original nests before the dino babies hatch?
Dori Dino
Publisher: Pegasus Spiele
Item Code: PEG65504G
MSRP: $34.99
Releases November 2023
In Dori Dino, a different player each round will take a turn as Dori, rolling the eggs around and into the wrong nests. The rest of the players are the dino parents who try to roll the eggs into their matching colored nests. All players have a dino wand and can only move the eggs with its tip. The round ends as soon as all the eggs in the nests have disappeared. The eggs will be scored for where they landed. All eggs that the parent team was able to correctly match will hatch and bring points. After a final round in which everyone plays dino parents, the turbulent dino game ends.
Prey Another Day
The large predators hunt the smaller ones, but they are nimble and can easily escape. Use your animal instincts to outwit the other players and deduce which animals they are sending on the hunt. The first player to capture five food markers will be crowned the munch king!
The game takes place over multiple rounds. Each round, the players can choose from their five animals. The stronger animals can hunt early, but the weaker ones will give more points.
Long ago, the Ancient Ones discovered a powerful Magic Source, and over generations, your vibrant community has grown around it. Unfortunately, troublesome creatures called Djinn have been drawn toward the energy emanating from this place, and they want to use it for their evil purposes.
You are eager apprentices of the Academy of Magical Arts that have been tasked with protecting this natural resource and capturing the Djinn. Who amongst you will be celebrated as the Savior of the Magical Source?
Memo…arrr! You flipped over the wrong card again! To play the match-and-memory game Memoarrr!, players need the power of recollection and the luck of pirates. Only then can they make their escape from the island of Captain Goldfish, their pockets lined with rubies, before the lava swallows them up.
Publisher: Pegasus Spiele
Item Code: PEG18324G
MSRP: $16.49
Releases November 2023
In turn order, players reveal locations that are connected via the animal or the landscape to the most recently revealed location. If someone reveals a location without any connection, that player is out of the round. The last remaining pirate grabs one of the valuable treasures. Then, all revealed locations are turned face down before the search can start afresh.
As the cards do not change position during a game, players collect more and more information each round, enabling them to reveal new connections—but sometimes a little bit of luck is all it takes to get that treasure. For advanced players, each animal comes with an additional special action that is triggered when a connected location is revealed—and they make Memoarrr! even more exciting and fun to play.
Memoarrr! Beach Edition
Publisher: Pegasus Spiele
Item Code: PEG18346G
MSRP: $19.95
Releases November 2023
The popular memory card game returns with waterproof playing cards and handy packaging.